About the project


The operational plan is based on experiments carried out by the team of the Agricultural Pharmacology Laboratory of the Agricultural University of Athens in collaboration with the Directorate of Agricultural Economy and Veterinary Medicine of Triphylia and on the experience of the collaborating researchers in the innovative methodology of metabolomics.

The plan is implemented in two axes:

The first axis includes the mapping of gliospore morphotypes in the olive groves of A.C. Nileas and A.C. Elaionas. Its research group is the first in Greece to report the existence of morphotypes of the pathogen with different pathogenicity and sensitivity to active substances. The study of susceptibility to fungicides is key information for the development of personalized plant protection, which is an innovation.

This will contribute to the future sustainability of farms by improving production and reducing input of plant protection products. To date, plant protection against the disease has relied on plant protection agents without knowledge of the morphotypes, leading to insufficient results.

The second axis includes the metabolomic analysis of olive oils with the combined use of GC/EI/MS and NMR platforms in order to correlate quality – levels of gliospora infestations and highlight their special characteristics and nutritional value. Metabolomics is the latest development in food science without being exploited in the Greek food industry. The results will contribute to the effort of agricultural cooperatives to upgrade their production and expand their market share.

Originality and innovation of the project

The operational plan is the first attempt to develop an individualized olive plant protection program against destructive gliospora disease, at a local level, in a key olive-growing region of the country. It is based on research data on the genotypic composition of the pathogen’s populations, which determines its resistance to the plant protection products (PPP)  applied and their effectiveness.

The research of the Laboratory of Agricultural Pharmacology of the A.U.A. first reported and documented the presence of different morphotypes of the gliospore and their resistance to applied PPPs in Greece. In addition, the application of the innovative technology of metabolomics in the analysis of olive oil samples in order to correlate its quality with the levels of gliospora infestation as well as the highlighting of the olive oil of A.C. Nileas and A.C. Elaionas with its application, they are also an innovation that has not yet been applied in the food industry and is expected to have direct benefits and impact on their production model.

Role in the project


GAIA EPICHEIREIN has undertaken the coordination of the members of the Operational Group for the implementation of the pilot project as well as the actions for the management and completion of the project. GAIA EPICHEIREIN will cover all categories of promotional activities by choosing the appropriate communication channels. By systematically disseminating the results through the press, with a targeted digital campaign, the results will be disseminated through the internet. Through a networking day with OGs from all over Greece, the national diffusion of results and the gap between the agricultural and scientific worlds will be covered to transfer innovation to businesses.


The Laboratory of Horticultural Crops of the A.U.A. coordinates the scientific part of the project and specifically, coordinates together with the agriculturalists of Pegasus Agrifood Coop, coordinates the applications of the selected biostimulators in the vineyards and the sampling of the plant tissues. In addition, the Laboratory of Agricultural Pharmacology is responsible for the implementation of the phenomenological and metabolomic analysis protocols and the evaluation and interpretation of the results. Finally, it undertakes the promotion of the results of the project through participation in conferences and through participation in workshops and networking activities.


The Laboratory for Structural Studies of Biomolecules & Medicines with NMR of the Institute of Biosciences & Applications of the NRCNS “D” undertakes the metabolomic analysis with NMR of olive oil samples of A.C. Nileas and A.C. Elaionas and participates in spectrum data analysis. It also participates in promoting the results of the project through participation in conferences and through participation in networking actions that are organized.


In the olive farms of producer members of the A.S. Nilea and A.S. Elaion will implement the modern plant protection program to deal with the olive gliospora disease. The Cooperatives undertake the sending of fruit and olive oil samples to the Laboratory of Agricultural Pharmacology of the A.U.A. and in NRCNS “D” and ensure the complete recording of the cultivation measures and the plant protection measures that they apply in the context of the implementation of the pilot project. Finally, they participate in the promotion of the results of the project through participation in the seminars and networking activities that are organized.

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